Wikinews interviews the research team behind ‘human-like’ Maia chess engine

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Alternative Energy: Outlook On Alternative Energy

Click Here To Know More About: Energy Management Demand Shaving Alternative Energy: Outlook On Alternative Energy by RJ Camposagrado ALTERNATIVE ENERGY OUTLOOK The Alternative Energy industry is going through a recovery after absorbing the global recession and the plunging fall in global crude oil prices. Earlier this year, quite a few alternative energy companies were …

Wikinews interviews Ethan Zuckerman

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 On Friday, April 28, Wikinews interviewed Ethan Zuckerman, the founder of Geekcorps, a non-profit organization that sending people with technical skills to developing countries for development projects. Ethan has also founded Global Voices Online and helped found, the free web-hosting company now owned by Lycos. He serves a fellow at …

Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau

Thursday, August 16, 2007 The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could grow from an academic tool to …

Russia cuts off gas supplies to Ukraine

Sunday, January 1, 2006 Russia has ended exports of natural gas to neighbouring Ukraine following a failure to reach a compromise over prices. Gazprom, Russia’s natural gas behemoth, began cutting off supplies at 7:00 a.m. UTC Sunday, January 1. Gazprom claims to have taken this action because Ukraine refuses to pay the market rate for …

Judge orders residents and city to come to agreement on partially collapsed building in Buffalo, New York

Thursday, June 19, 2008 Buffalo, New York —Judge Justice Christopher Burns of the New York State Supreme Court has ordered a halt to an emergency demolition on a 19th century stable and livery on 428-430 Jersey Street in Buffalo, New York that partially collapsed on Wednesday June 11, initially causing at least 15 homes to …

New book links Bonds, Giambi and Sheffield to BALCO

Thursday, March 23, 2006 The new book Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal that Rocked Professional Sports, by Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams of The San Francisco Chronicle, is being released today. The authors not only implicate professional baseball celebrity Barry Bonds in the use of performance-enhancing drugs, but also say …

Preparing Your Child Academically For College

Click Here To Know More About: Cpr Classes Glendale Preparing your Child Academically for College by George Jefferson Take Courses Recommended for College-Bound Students [youtube][/youtube] To prepare for college, there is no substitute for your child getting a solid and broad academic education. This means your child should take challenging courses in academic subjects and …