How Is Sugar Compared To Heroin?

Submitted by: Jessie Petersen

Why is sugar so bad for our health? How is sugar compared to heroin? Sugar is pure chemical and (like heroin) has been stripped of all the natural food

nutrition it originally had in the plant itself. Heroin and sugar are arrived at by very similar processes of refinement. In producing heroin, the opium is

first extracted from the poppy. The opium is then refined into morphine. The chemists then work on the morphine and refined it into heroin. This

discovery was supposed to be a wonderful new non-addictive pain-killer.

How familiar is this? Sugar seemed to be safe but… read on. Starting with sugar in the baby formula, people not only develop a strong taste for sugar but an intence craving that never ends. Sugar is very addictive. There are side effects when taking it out of your diet. Think about how you are.

For Example

Take sugar out of someone s diet for a few days just like if you take heroin out of a heroin addicts life just watch as bad moods and flaring tempers


surface, as well as cravings, now are you starting to see how sugar and heroin are so similar.

Though getting rid of a sugar-habit like heroin can be tough it is well worth doing. It s not easy. It takes about 5 days for your body to cleanse sugar from

it’s system and stop you from craving it so much.

Research conducted on rats at Princeton University showed that rats that ate and ingested large amounts of sugar showed a change in their brain similar to

the changes found in cocaine users or heroin addicts. Another research study found that 94% of rats allowed to pick between sugar water and cocaine, chose

sugar. Even rats that were cocaine addicts quickly switched over to sugar as their drug of choice, When the rats were deprived of their sugar fix just like when herion addicts are taken away from their herion fix, they showed signs of anxiety, behavioral depression, and a drop in dopamine levels.

You may have experienced this to some degree in experimenting with your own diet when eliminating sugar cold turkey. Just like when you quit smoking o

quit heroin you should do it slowly.

After two weeks or so, your body will adjust to the idea that refined sugar is not going to be onboard any longer and you ll start noticing some positive

changes. Your skin will look tighter and more clear, your joints should not feel so creaky, you ll have more real energy, you ll sleep better, and

emotionally all the ups and downs should level out. Best of all, you won t feel the need to jump in the car at midnight to hit the nearest drive-thru for a

late night ice cream cone or chocolate shake!

About one of the only things that we in the health world agree upon is that sugar is bad for you. Check out any diet or cleanse. It either eliminates o

drastically reduces the intake of sugar, regardless of the theory

So what should we do instead if we have a major sweet tooth. Peaceful of harmful sugar substitutes. That would be like quitting heroin by smoking

cigarettes. Yes your not doing heroin anymore but own you just picked up another nasty habit. Do your research. Why not pick something that your body creates

naturally? Why not pick something that s in the good foods we eat. Like Tylenol. Do your research on xylitol. Just google it and we also have tons of facts

and recipes on our site. Thank You –

About the Author: Take sugar out of someone s diet for a few days just like if you take heroin out of a heroin addicts life just watch as bad moods and flaring tempers surface, as well as cravings, now are you starting to see how sugar and heroin are so similar.Get your Xylitol Facts


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