Social Networking &Amp; Article Marketing Community

Submitted by: Portal Codes

If you re not writing articles about your business, and describing you products and services for others then I can guarantee you re missing out on some new potential clients. One of the most common questions I have for people when they tell me their website is doing for them what they had expected is Where do you publish your marketing articles . I m serious folks. If your not going to even attempt to inform others about your website, and just assume that Google will rank your site because it s yours please rethink this again carefully.

If you going to own a respectable website you have to talk about it, write about, and tell other people the importance of using your website. Of course there are ways to have your website ranked higher by paying money to a company to optimize your website but you ll be paying a pretty significant amount of money to have that done. I will be writing about ways that you can optimize your website in a future post, but for now lets jump back to the article market concept.


There are lots a great places to publish your content quickly and easily. Some of them even provide a spell checker for so you can double check for misspellings. Although a spell checker isn t really that significant since most people write articles in MS Word or some other type of spell checker program it s still a nice tool to have to double check things. The PortalCodes networking community actually has a very nice article publishing platform that will give you all the essentials needed to publish an effective business marketing article. Let me tell you a little bit about how this platform works.

First log into your PortalCodes account and go to the article page. Once you arrive at the articles page click Submit an Article Here . After you arrive at the article submission page simply define a title for your article, the content of your article, and a reference with a back link to your website. After you submit your article our article review team will ensure that your article is in its optimal format, and if it is we ll publish it. This means that your business article will be on the top of our directory, and in the article search data base. Your article page will also be formatted optimal search engine optimization standards by our article publishing software.

What does our article publishing software do?

Our publishing software formats your page to have a high visibility for search engine recognition. This is done by ensuring that your article title appears in the web browser title and above the body content that you provide. You personal profile link will also be listed in the top right corner of every article that you publish in case readers want to find more specific information about you. Not only does the article page link back to your profile, but it also links to the website that you provide in the article preference section when you originally submitted your article to us. This means that your article has links to it, links to related content, and a link back your website. The article publishing tool ensures that you re getting the most out of the time you invest in writing business articles to provide potential customers with your business information.

About the Author: This article provides you with some information on taking article marketing to the next level. Learn how to make the most of your publishing efforts by utilizing member profiling strategies as well. Please visit

and add another tool to your marketing tool belt.


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