Understanding The Mystery Of Sweaty Hands And Feet

Why Do My Hands and Feet Sweat?

Sweating is a completely natural and essential process that cools down our bodies when overheated and eliminates toxins. However, when one starts noticing an excessive sweating from their hands and feet, questions arise: Why do my hands and feet sweat? What could be causing this? More importantly, how do I prevent it?

Well, if you’re finding yourself constantly wiping your palms, or an unwilling participant of the ‘slippery sock syndrome’, then you might be dealing with a condition known as Hyperhidrosis. Specifically, palmar hyperhidrosis and plantar hyperhidrosis, which refer to excessive sweating of the hands and feet respectively.

Hyperhidrosis affects approximately 3% of the population. While not a life-threatening condition, it certainly can cause substantial sorrow, embarrassment, and inconvenience in day-to-day life.

What Causes Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis occurs when the sympathetic nervous system, which governs our automatic processes like heart rate and temperature control, is overactive and subsequently causes overproduction of sweat. Some known triggers include stress, anxiety, certain medications, and in some cases, the condition may be genetic.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Common symptoms of Hyperhidrosis include noticeable excessive sweating, soggy skin, and skin maceration (a condition where skin becomes soft and breaks down after prolonged exposure to moisture). The biggest indicator, however, is when your daily activities are frequently interrupted because of your sweat production. If you’re noticing such signs, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Thankfully, Hyperhidrosis is a treatable condition. It’s important, however, to establish that treatment varies based on the severity and individual response to treatment methods. Over-the-counter antiperspirants, iontophoresis (a procedure that uses electricity to temporarily turn off the sweat gland), Botox injections, and in severe cases, surgical operations are among the common treatments offered.

Moreover, medical science has increasingly embraced non-invasive procedures with demonstrated effectiveness. One such location pioneering these efforts is in California’s capital. Hyperhidrosis treatment Sacramento provides inclusive, innovative, and individualized care for those dealing with this condition. Employing advanced technology and techniques in Microwave Thermolysis, they offer a treatment that destroys underarm sweat glands without surgery.


Life with excessive sweating can be challenging and often a cause for embarrassment. However, understanding why our hands and feet sweat excessively and seeking appropriate medical assistance could mean an end to living self-consciously. Remember, you are not alone and help is always available.